Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Food for Thought (OR: "Newsflash: Too much candy & sugar is bad for you")

It's shocking to me that people think it's ok to consume candy upon ice cream upon cookies upon chips with no sense of discretion or limit.
1) there are billions in this world starving while people consume tons of junk food.
2) these companies now have the money and marketing to sell their garbage TO the starving billions

And the downward cycle continues.  

What's funny to me is that all the ads & magazines push for perfect bodies: sculpted, athletic & healthy-diet bodies, and yet people complain how hard it is to achieve that WHILE CONSUMING MASS QUANTITIES OF JUNK FOOD (not the least to say mass quantities of food, with portions set at ginormous sizes probably double or triple or more what is needed to consume in one sitting).

I know because I was one of them. I still struggle at times, but when I was a kid i'd ballooned up to 265 pounds of flab.  It was when i started eating less desserts/highly-salted carbs and exercised more (cardio & weights - never crazy weights b/c i just didn't have the time or commitment for it) that i dropped to 200 +/-10 pounds for most of my post-high-school life.

But it's when i'm not feeling healthy, or a little more pudgy around certain areas that i'd like, that my first checkmark is to cut back on any candy, cookie, or sugar.  And as i stare at my cup of coffee, I probably need to go black or just goto tea (b/c i can't drink coffee black...).

Anyways, food for thought.

Nutrition in the NBA; Part I: Lessons learned in L.A. help Howard's career

"We're making the shift from basically worse than pet food to actual food," Cate Shanahan said.

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