Sunday, September 14, 2014

In 2013, USD$22 Billion was spent on humanitarian resources. In comparison, Americans spent $56 Billion on pets

In 2013, USD$22 Billion was spent on humanitarian resources. In comparison, Americans spent $56 Billion on pets

I can't say many words about this. I love pets. They're cute. They're adorable. They provide love and ask for little in return. 

And so, we, as human beings, in 20103, invested 2.5 times more money on pets than on human beings in need.

Save the whales. Save the monkeys. PETA (save all the cute fluffy creatures). But what about "Save the People?" It is something I don't understand. I can empathize, but I cannot understand because I refuse to accept that this is ok. We will be charitable but only to a degree. We want a better world but ignore where to invest with our time, talent and treasure.

I think we, the members of the human race, need to continue to learn more about the world we live in, see reality for what it is, and strive to make more of a difference. Let's put our money, time & lives where our mouth is.

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