Friday, October 8, 2010


"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it."
~Mark Twain

Yesterday afternoon a woman got beat by her boyfriend on the road outside our house. The boys we help take care of were upstairs, and witnessed it happening. Instead of running out to protect her or yelling or getting anyone during or even afterwards, they laughed about it.
My friend Nick & I found out about the whole thing 20 minutes later and went to try to help the girl. Afterwards we went back to talk to the boys, who... didn't get it? Some did, but one youth in particular kept laughing about it.
It's possible that he just couldn't imagine fighting someone twice his size so just the thought of it was crazy to him, but he said he'd punch me if I - hypothetically - punched his sister. Still, he couldn't grasp the connection.
We talked to them for over a half hour about the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus on the cross, loving one another, sacrifice, etc., and seeing any woman as if they were their sister & defending them just the same.
Then we asked them to envision the future and how they would want to be remembered when they died: as brave, giving, honored and loving, or something else? We believe they can become those great men and we'll sacrifice to get them there.
They were afraid of a big, scary guy who beat a woman with a stick. I get that. My prayer is that next time they will triumph over their fear, no matter the cost.
A great & difficult journey lies ahead for these boys, this culture & this nation to rise up. But there is hope: a light, and his name is Jesus, if they will follow and believe.
Haiti direct: (+50938953360), BBM: 24B46DD9

1 comment:

  1. This blog reminds me of when I was being questioned by my father, I would laugh, not because I was afraid, I just didnt want him to see through me and notice my pain..Idk if that makes sense.
