Saturday, September 11, 2010

9 years later is the world changed?

Once again my aching body wakes up at the crack of dawn to the sound of dogs barking and roosters crowing. The city around me lies in rubble, rains wash mud under & into tents and makeshift huts for hundreds of thousands of people.
9 years ago hate crashed into twin towers and since then wars have started in response, bombs blown up on trains, subways, in hotels, and even been attempted via sneaker soles. Hate existed long before Sept. 11 and will last until the end.
But in the beginning God created everything and lit it up and saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:4)
Light shines through the darkness and can never be extinguished. (John 1:5)
God loved the world and sent his only son Jesus to sacrifice for and save it. Jesus NEVER condemned anything. (John 3:17)
So I woke up early this morning yet again, remembering the date and wondering if anything has changed. Then I recalled all the love my friends and family and millions of others have demonstrated to sacrifice, give to, serve and love the homeless & hungry and needy in Los Angeles, New York & everywhere else, protect the victims of abuse in Thailand & more, and help after tsunami & earthquake or other disaster, and I know this:
Some things like hate will never change. But real faith, hope & love shall change what matters: our own hearts and sometimes those of others'. (1 Corinthians 13)

Love and keep loving with everything you've got (Deuteronomy 6:5),

1 comment:

  1. I don't think the world has changed, but people are, like you say "millions have demonstrated to sacrifice, give to, serve and love the homeless & hungry and needy, protect the victims of abuse & more, and help after tsunami & earthquake or other disaster"
