Thursday, September 16, 2010

Haiti homes: $2500 to get a family out of a tent

This attached .pdf is the sheet describing what we're (International Youth Initiative, doing for homes in Haiti.
The budget is set for $2500 which, with materials, labor & delivery is turning out about right.
The only real changes are: 1) we've improved upon the material for cement mixing (the "sand" was limestone which rusts the steel rebar) and 2) we work a little bit more with the homeowner to adjust size/shape of house if there's a prexisting foundation we can work with.
I'm excited about this. It's tax-deductible. It's tangible (give money, see a house built for someone living in a tent). And I'll send tons of pics & updates to your chagrin.

One note: if giving online there's still a 2.9% fee. That amount lost per house feeds one of the boys we take care of for a month. So, if you don't mind writing a check or going online and having your bank send it automatically, the boys, the Haitians, and me too would appreciate it! (But if not, no worries)

If every church, organization and company (& their matching dollar-for-dollar program?) each built a home, wouldn't it be amazing?!

By the way, I'm the quality control expert on this, keeping overhead to next-to-nothing.


Haiti direct: (+50938953360), BBM: 24B46DD9

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